Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Value of a Virtuous Woman

Did you know that guys are longing to find a great lady of character? Sometimes I wonder if the girls of today's society really realize what type of women those great guys are looking for. I'm not talking about the guys who only care about your figure and what you can give them. I'm speaking of those great guys who open the door for you; care about what you believe in- what your passions are and what makes you on fire in life. They care more about what you need and desire more than what they need and desire.
Your character will determine the types of guys you attract.
Think about that. If you are strutted around town in a top that is really a bra, and shorts that don't go far enough down to cover your butt checks- you're going to get those low-lives who only want to take advantage of you.
However, if you spend your time learning and pursuing your passions - especially those passions that work for Christ - you will get those guys who want you for you - your personality, your passions, your desires, and your looks will come along with it - not the other way around. This is just one of many reasons being a lady of virtue is SO important.

We read right off the bat in Proverbs 31:10, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
This tells me just how valuable a virtuous woman is - especially in today's society. Are you in check when it comes to being a woman of noble character? Are you actually attracting guys of noble character? They go quite hand and hand. You will reap what you sow. Throughout Proverbs 31: 10-31 we will discover exactly what the definition of a virtuous woman is. 

Many of today's girls are not seeking Godly men, though. Unfortunately, I see many girls grabbing a guy - any guy- just so they feel loved. Once he's gone, they have a new one in less than a week. No wonder divorce is so prominent today. What these girls don't realize is that they need Jesus to fill their empty hole in their hearts before they try and put a man there. Otherwise you will find yourself in the arms of a guy who doesn't care about you fully - just what you can give them. Or, the first time you become unhappy with them, you'll trade them in for someone "better". And the cycle will continue on and on, well beyond finding "Mr. Right". 

Ladies, before you go looking for a man to love, make sure you are in check with your character. A man of high, Godly character is priceless, but he won't come to you unless you are truly a woman of Godly character. They will see right through your butt-shorts and low-cut shirt. Until you truly place Jesus in your life, you will continue to settle for those low-life guys who could care less about Jesus and good values. There is no reason to treat yourself that way. God made you to be loved fully for who you are. Don't settle. Let Him increase in your life, so you can trust Him more and more in every aspect.  

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