Thursday, September 13, 2012

Things Above

Ladies, what are you spending your time thinking (or obsessing) about? For reals - what is it? School? Homework? Work?...A guy...?
Do you find yourself stressed, discouraged and frustrated after spending ridiculous amounts of time thinking about these things over and over...I know I do. How about a change of pace? Think about something that is always good, always the same, always encouraging.
Check out the words of Philippians 4: 8 -

"...Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

How great does that sound? Who doesn't want the peace of God with them at all times? 
I have my bad days for sure. I think about the mound of tasks I have to accomplish for that day and find myself stressed and frustrated. It is all about mindset though. If I had focused on the blessings I had - a job, a home, friends, great church family, etc. instead of the frustrations of the day, perhaps I would have entered into it with a peace of mind and confidence. 

The same goes with guys. Are you focusing on guys so much, that you don't have time to see Jesus in your life? Are you grateful for what God has already blessed you for instead of obsessing over what you're waiting for Him to provide for you? 

Try this: Instead of making your Facebook status about the awful situations in your life, or the woe-is-me status about not have a guy in your life, try posting something about Jesus and the things He has done for you! Start placing your focus on being grateful to Him, and growing in Him. When  you're ready, He'll send you a guy - and remember that your definition of ready isn't always HIS definition of ready. He has great plans for you; just trust Him to bring you where you need to be. 

Be a light instead of adding to the darkness of today's world. Let Him shine through you in the way you think. What you think about will reflect in who you hang around, and what you talk about. It will set the mood for your day and you won't feel so sorry for yourself because you have the greatest Light of all and the greatest Man of all in your life. Just trust Him. 

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."  
- Colossians 3: 2

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