Sunday, November 25, 2012

'Tis the Season for...Stuff?

It is indeed that time of year. Lovely red bows, beautiful Christmas Trees and sparkling lights begin lining streets from windows and houses. But when we look at the holiday season, we may think about things like sales, Black Friday and material things. Where can I get the best deal on a new iPad, or iPhone? Whatever it is, when did Christmas begin to kick off with a season of acquiring more stuff?
Not only Christmas time begs this question, but every day of our lives, especially in our society. When did our big purpose and goal in life become about acquiring the most, newest gadgets, or the highest, most important job?
Matthew 6 tells us not to worry about our money, possessions and clothes. We are told not to store up our treasures here on earth, where dust gathers on them, and they can be destroyed. We are to let God decide what we do, what we buy, what we acquire. He takes care of even the birds, so what makes you think He won't take care of you? He clothes flowers with glorious beauty, so why would He not provide for you?
When we continue to be a society of stuff, we are left disappointed and unsatisfied a by the time someone has something better, or the next new gadget comes out. We want new clothes when the fashion trends change, then demand new clothes 2 months later to keep up with our peers. Why do we do this to ourselves? This doesn't end on an individual basis either.
When we have kids, we want them to have all the new gadgets too. Parents will go to all sorts of insane lengths to get their kid to be the best at anything. They'll fork out crazy amounts of money for uniforms, transportation and equipment, but when it comes to youth group and church, the turn out ratio is sadly less.
So where do we draw the line? Can we go a year without Black Friday? Without updating our gadgets and following the trends? I think this would be hard for people in a society such as ours. We want our kids to stay up with their peers with what they own. Maybe it's time to teach kids the true meaning of life. I have to admit that hearing a 5 year old demand an iPhone from their parents is hard to grasp. We need to begin defining necessity vs. desires. Stuff molds and breaks. Values and morals of Christ always last.

"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15
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