Saturday, November 3, 2012

Why Wait to Date?

In a society with fast food, fast internet, fast everything, we find ourselves doing everything in our lives fast. We rush around and do errands, do homework, find time for friends - and hopefully family.
This, however, as much as it is convenient, is also dangerous in some aspects of life. Yes, driving too fast can be dangerous, but I'm talking about dating too fast.
I see girls with one guy one week, then not even 2 weeks later, there's another guy attached to her arm. What?!
Ladies (and guys too), what is the rush? For so many teens and young adults, life is all about scrambling for the "Right One". The problem with the rush is that you aren't trusting God. You are taking matters into your own hands. What do I mean by this? Check out the list below of why God may have you wait to date:

1) Today's day is scary. Not to sound old-fashioned here, but yes, today is a scary time of our world. Just this past week I saw a story on the news about a 24 year old girl strangled to death by a man who was "infatuated" with her. One-Creepy. Two- It is real stuff. Be careful who you surround yourselves with and who you share your life stories with. He might come across as a great guy on the outside, but be sure you are not throwing yourself at every man who passes you by.

2) You can't change him. That's right ladies - your beauty and batting eyelashes will not turn a complete idiot into the perfect man. Don't be dumb with who you date. If your man breaks the law, does drugs, and more importantly - isn't a Christian (and you are), don't date him. You can help him from a safe distance, but DON'T DATE HIM. I can't reiterate that enough. You CAN'T change him. If he does something you won't be happy with years down the road, assume he will still be doing it years down the road. You can't change him; only God can!

3) Where are YOU at? If you don't know what your convictions are, or who you are in Christ, you probably shouldn't be throwing a man into your life until you've established somethings. Where do you stand on sex before marriage? Do you know why it's good not to have sex before marriage? Do you know what marriage entails? Do you know where you stand on gender roles? Are you established in your security in Christ enough that if your relationship with a guy doesn't work out, your world won't be over? Are you relying on Christ instead of on men and on people of this world?
After I read the book "Lady in Waiting" I was able to place every aspect of my happiness and security on Christ, and with that came my relationship with the man who would be my husband. It was as if I had finally given Christ permission to take and rule over my life when it came to relationships. I let it go and said "Ok, God. I'm letting You take the wheel on who You want in my life for the rest of my life. And I am ok if You want me to live single during it."
Not even a month later, Mark walked into my life. I was so not focused on a boyfriend, that I didn't even notice he was attracted to me. I thought we were just friends. But when we established where we were at as 2 people, it was like God switched the switch and said "Go for it," to me. I knew he was right for me, because he loves the Lord more than me! I wouldn't have it any other way. The pressure is taken off of him to be my happiness and security because I know that only comes from Christ alone.
How awesome!
So just make sure you are grown into what Christ wants you to be before pursuing that guy. You will always be growing, but when it comes to relationships, it is important to know and practice Christ being your #1 before trying to make a guy your #1. 

I hope this gives you some reason to wait to date. I may either be preaching to the choir here, or I may be preaching to an audience who could care less about Christ, but these reasons are what worked for me. I couldn't be happier with the outcome. My relationship with my husband continues to be the best because we put Christ #1 - as a couple and as individuals. It takes the pressure off of pleasing each other in ways that only God can.

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