Sunday, December 30, 2012

Resolutions: Growth

The New Year is just around the corner, and with that usually comes resolutions. One of the things that I was inspired by this morning in church was learning about how Jesus grew. We make a choice on a daily basis on whether or not we'll improve and grow ourselves. Salvation shouldn't only be used as a past tense event that happened in our lives as Christians, but as a decision and process we follow every single day of our lives.
Luke 2:52 says that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor in the eyes of the Lord. So as we look at this passage, we need to ask ourselves as followers and women of God, how we can grow in these ways.

Wisdom is the ability and capacity of applying what we know. How do we apply the Word of God in our lives? Do you truly believe in His Word? If so, then how are you showing that in your life? One of the prime examples for the purpose of this blog is that of our relationships and dating lives. Are you truly heeding God's advice in this area of your life? Or do you look at it, think "hmm, that's nice," but then continue following what the media and secular society tells you to do? I pray to God you truly try to follow His ways, especially in this. Though it may be the hard way, just remember that God's way is always the best way.
Get Wisdom! (Proverbs 4:5) Need more resources? Don't be afraid to research help on the areas you're struggling in. The book "Lady in Waiting" by Jones and Kendall has worked wonders in my life in the dating and relationship area. Check out your local library or Christian book store for what you need. Don't be too proud. God calls for humility, especially when it is in His work and Name.

Stature is our physical growth. This one may be more tangible for you to grasp. What girl doesn't want to be healthy? Sometimes though, we abuse ourselves in our own false sense of "health". It's one thing to work out and do it for you, but to work out because you think only guys go for skinny, "hot" girls is a misconception that should never be taken into consideration when you're getting healthy. If a guy likes you because your skinny and won't take the time of day to truly get to know  you no matter how you look, then I'm sorry, but he is not worth your time or even you glance.
Staying healthy is indeed a biblical concept. It is important to keep the temple of God healthy and going. God created us and we are made in His image. We are to take care of His creation. Don't abuse yourself when you're trying to get healthy. If you are following the role models of our society and not the biblical example of health, trouble may await you. Be smart when you're "getting healthy".

Favor in the Lord and man. Jesus grew in favor in the eyes of the Lord and in those around Him. Even Jesus, Who is God Himself made great efforts to please His Father in heaven. We are to be living examples of Christ, especially if we walk around and call ourselves Christians. One of the things that really irked me was shortly after the shooting earlier this month in Newtown, CT. A group from the "Westboro Baptist Church" (who only call themselves baptists, and aren't actually officially affiliated with the baptist church), claimed that they were going to speak out at the funerals of those involved in this horrific tragedy. This is a sickening and shallow way to make yourself known and it is NOT the message or definition of Christianity. Love is no where to be found in this group's purpose, even though Love is a bottom line to Christianity. These people do not set a great example of being Christ-followers. In fact, they drag it through the mud. And they definitely didn't gain any favor from those who knew of them.
Are you representing your relationship with Christ in the right ways? When you say you're a Christian, are you also walking your talk? Don't be someone who proclaims the love of Christ in your word, but turns around and talks bad about a peer. We all screw up, but it's a different matter when you claim it daily, but display a completely different lifestyle an hour later. Be women of virtue and examples to be proud of.

So, as you reflect on 2012 and look ahead to 2013, ask yourself what will be different. I know I personally will be working on the above three growing areas.

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