Saturday, January 12, 2013

Isaac and Rebekah

The story of Isaac and how he came to find Rebekah as his wife is quite amazing (Genesis 24). This is one of the most romantic stories in the Bible. Isaac falls deeply in love with a girl he hasn't even met before. There is so much to take away from this story!

1) God values us enough to provide for us on His time. Do we trust Him enough to let Him work in this way in our lives? Ladies, why do we put whatever on the line for guys? Why do we long to have them in our lives on our time, which is usually as soon as possible? Do we not know how the love of God will provide for us and know what is best for us? When Abraham prays for his son to find a woman who shares in his values and beliefs, he knows that God will provide. His servant asks him "what if I can't find a woman for your son?" Abraham replies convinced that the mission will be successful. This kind of faith is great. He knows that God cares enough for him and his family, that a wife will be found for his son. He has already seen such amazing provision in his family.

2) Waiting for a partner who is not just "good enough". Rebekah was a hard-working, compassionate woman. Abraham's servant saw this right away when she asks him if he's like some water. She shows great hospitality on him. It was quite obvious that this woman was very good for Isaac. Her faith and belief matched up with his, and she served with a happy heart. How can we settle for "good enough" over "great"? Ladies, you are more valuable than that. Don't bring anyone into your life who will tell you and treat you otherwise. If he doesn't respect your beliefs, your time, your body - he is NOT for you.

3) God will show you what is right. When Rebekah saw Isaac for the first time out in the fields, she was immediately in love with him. Isaac loved her deeply. If you find your "Mr. Right", who matched up to your expectations biblically and emotionally, God will show you it's right. Just because you have feelings for a guy who has the looks but an awful personality and beliefs that don't match yours, I can guarantee you that he is not the one God wants you to be with. God's Will is always good and in the best intentions of protecting you and your heart. Make sure you are doing your part in taking care of you too.

Learn from God's Word. Use it. Heed it. Follow it. Love it. It has so much to show you!

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