Wednesday, May 1, 2013

365: Girls After God - Day 1: Beginnings

Reading: Psalm 1:1-6

There is an unmeasurable amount of joy that comes to those who do not follow the ways and advice of the wicked. Following God's Word is what will bring you joy and understanding. At an age where life seems to be going no where, and bring you no one to spend your life with, it is important to remember that God has the reigns, and when you let Him know that, and when you let yourself know that, He will do AMAZING things in your life. Beginning this reading plan as a gal going after God will help you to establish your foundations in Him, so you can establish the foundations you want for a lifetime.
The world will tell you what to do about finding a spouse. God will tell you different. This Psalm is very clear on what happens when we follow the ways of the wicked. Standing on His Word and meditating on it day and night will guide your paths, whether it is making decisions on school, careers, or who to date. The choice is yours, and it begins now. The beginning of the rest of your life is today.

Reading: Matthew 1:1-25

Here we read about the beginning of Jesus. If you really look at His lineage, you'll see that it was made up of some great and famous people throughout the Old Testament. But you will also see that many of the people in Jesus' lineage screwed up - big time! This just goes to show that God will take our mess ups and turn them into a message. He used each one of these people to bring about Christ and the story leading up to Him. This is a new day! From this day on, you are a new person. Everyday is a new decision. What you decide now will carry on down your family line, like the people in Jesus' lineage.

Reading: Genesis 1:1 -2:17

The beginning of the world and man. God created man and woman in HIS image. We are created with such value that God chose to create us in His image! Do you realize what kind of value that places on us? God said everything He created was good, but for man, He said it was VERY good. Everything around us is a reflection of God and His goodness. It is important to be reminded of Him when we see nature's beauty. God doesn't make junk, and He made you. Never look down on yourself and value you for who YOU are.

So as we begin in a year of daily Bible reading, I can't help but think about this theme of "beginnings" today. Every day is a new day. If we miss a day of reading, we can start new the next day. Just stick to it, and keep at it. You'll learn from the Word no matter when you read it. The most important thing is that you keep in it and build that solid foundation you will need for the rest of your life. Make this life great, but strive for the best life in eternity. 

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