Wednesday, January 16, 2013

31 Day Prayer Challenge: Day 2

As wives and ladies, we are called to pray for our husbands (or future husbands - if you're dreaming of marriage one day). This is important, not only for him, but for you as you grow in your prayer life and mindset of how blessed with are to have the men in our lives that we do, or will have.

Check out today's prayer focus:

"Day 2 - Pray that your husband will live a life in Christ and in the Word that bears fruit. Pray he'll grow in wisdom and in understanding as he walks with the Lord."

Why is this important? The reputation your husband carries will have a huge impact on how your kids are raised, how you go about your time with him and how he handles the situations that arise over life (which will affect both of you). Let it be your prayer that your husband will make decisions that reflect his time spent with the Lord and in His Word.

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