Tuesday, January 15, 2013

31 Days of Prayer: Day 1

As wives or future wives, we have the humbling opportunity to prayer for our husbands, or future husbands on a regular basis. We are called to do what is best for him.
Proverbs 31: 11-12
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain.

She does him good, and not harm,
all the days of her life. 

 In covering him with protection and love, prayer is a HUGE way of fulfilling this commitment. Many of the ideas and prayer shared in this challenge are taken from fellow bloggers. A few of the ideas are new and straight from my heart and experiences too. Please join me as we as ladies of virtue participate in covering our men and future men in prayer. Allow God to do the work in your own heart as well.

"Day 1

Pray that your husband will develop or keep developing a heart for the Bible and prayer. Pray he’ll long for that time with God on a daily basis. Pray that he grows in the Lord through the meditation and reading he does. Ask God to give him a desire to be held accountable in this. "

Why is this important? Your husband is, or will be, the spiritual leader of your home. If he has no desire for the Bible or for growing in his spiritual life, this could present some difficulties in keeping your home growing in this area too. Pray that God will place a longing to grow in Him through reading the scriptures, praying and finding accountability.  Pin It

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