Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pursuing God's Plan

This is always the time of year that I begin to look forward to another school year with 8th grade ladies and taking them through what it mean to become God's best while we wait for our hopes and dreams. This year, I'm working towards making it a little more practical and applicable by talking about what it looks like to pursue God like we would an achievement, or a goal, or a job, or a guy...
My inspirations have come from the book "Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones over the last several years of presenting these concepts to our ladies. This book changed my entire perspective on what it means to actively pursue God before anything else. That, along with some experiences that changed my views on this world and who I am.

As I look forward to another year and another awesome crew of 8th grade ladies, I want to make that question real to you. Whether you are in 8th grade or still sitting around, waiting for happiness to find you. What would it seriously look like if you pursued God like you would a man? Or what would it look like if you seriously pursued God like you would a dream career? Or an achievement that you have been working so hard for?

The book covers 10 characters of being a "Lady in Waiting". I recently found a parent's edition of this book that outlines how to take your gal through the Lady in Waiting book, and one of the quotes that hit me hardest and made me realize just how vital this process is is this:

"The safest place for your girl to be is the place where she is more concerned about what God thinks than what anybody else things - possibly including even her parents who may have dreams for her that God never dreamed."

I think that we battle what our daughters think so much, that we forget that our plans for them may not completely align with what God's plans are. This can be hard...especially if He is sending them overseas to dangerous places to proclaim His good news! What if she moved there?

If you don't have daughters, think about you. What if what you are trying to plan for your life isn't what God is? You'll be left beating your head on a wall until you finally pursue Him and His way for you. I can guarantee that His plan is greater, safer, better, and much more satisfying.

So pursue God with all out heart and mind. We'll be talking about what this looks like throughout the weeks. For now, just look at what you are trying to plan for your life and ask if it is really working out for what God wants for your life. Are you asking God "What are YOUR plans for me?" or are you telling God "Hey God, I have this plan that I would love that You got on board with." Make sure it is His plan you are pursuing.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

Worry-Free Valentine's

Valentine's Day. Love it. Hate it. Indifferent to it. Whatever your feelings are on it, one thing is for sure - it can raise a lot of stress for people, whether they are single, dating or married. Let me offer a perspective for you ladies.

Check out the verse above. Have you heard it? Read it? Ok, read it again, like you mean it.

Got it? Good.

This is a verse that was presented to me and had that "aha!" moment when I was facing a very dark time in my life. I didn't know what the future would bring, and yes, ladies, I was already married. Even after Mr. Right enters your life, it is still filled with unknowns and challenges. Sometimes even tougher challenges than when you were single.
It is quite incredible how many ladies think they need a man in their life to "complete" them. I used to be in this boat. I would mourn every Valentine's Day and mope and whine with my other single friends. It wasn't until probably the year I met my husband that I just looked at Valentine's as another day, and stopped worrying about the "other half" I may or may not have had wondering around out there. Once I gained this attitude (and REALLY gained it), God provided me with what I needed. He needed me to just LET GO. When I let go of what I want, it allows Him to show me what I truly need. Why did I gain this attitude? Well, the verse above was a lot of it.

I am stronger than a circumstance, and so are you. Whether your circumstance be the possibility of a single future (which is NOT bad - whole other discussion), or it be facing the unknowns in health.

I am strong because I have Christ, not because I have a man. I have dignity and will NOT mope about my circumstance, but laugh because God has amazing plans for me! (Jeremiah 29:11)

I will not worry about the future because God tells me to only worry about TODAY and to take it one day at a time. (Matthew 6:34)

I love Proverbs 31:5 because it is part of a Proverbs 31 woman. It is the woman God wants me to be, but it is a choice I must make every day. Though I have the days of moping and whining about circumstances, this verse is a hearty reminder that I am more than a circumstance, and a circumstance does not define me. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Enjoy your life, no matter your circumstance. Nothing on this earth matters as much as He. Pin It

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 24 - My Husband


Today I'm thankful for my husband.

This post could go on and on because that's just how amazing my husband is. Such a hard-worker, and such a wonderful leader to me. It is so hard to only see him like 2 hours a day, but I know he is working hard and that we'll cherish times together more.  He picks me up when I'm feeling defeated and reminds me to keep relying on the Lord.
So today, I dedicate to the love of my life. <3 Pin It

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 23 - My Faith


Today I'm thankful for my faith.

In a world full of scary twists and turns, and people...I know I can always rely on God to carry me through those overwhelming times in my life. I don't know where I'd be without my faith and without the power of prayer. He is amazing. Pin It

Saturday, November 23, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 22 - The Word "NO"

Today I'm thankful for the word "no". 

Sounds like a funny thing to be thankful for, but yes, I am thankful for it today. As we enter a season of non-stop dances, musicals, parties, shopping trips, programs, church events, and other random life activities, I'm so happy for my ability to just say "no". This is a secretary's magic word. If only I could exercise it a little more... Pin It

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 21 - Hot Showers

Today I am thankful for hot showers.

After spending time in the Dominican Republic, I've come to find a new appreciation for hot showers. Though taking a cold shower after working in 90+ degree heat all day (usually +), a cold shower might sound quite nice, but it sure takes your breath away! Here, a hot shower is quite soothing after coming in from a cold day! Pin It

30 Days of Gratitude: Day 20- GEMS

 Today I'm thankful for GEMS.

Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior - a program we hold from girls 1st-8th grades. Tonight, we reached 76 girls - our high of the whole year! This program not only reaches out to the girls of our church, but to the girls of our community! Only about 30% probably attend our church, the rest come with friends or by word of mouth. It is a good reminder of just how important our children's programs are in the church, and I am grateful we have had such success in it this year! Pin It