Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Generation of Virtue

Why did I create this blog?
I have a desire and longing to see a new generation of ladies - a generation that takes Proverbs 31 seriously. Not only that chapter, but the Book as a whole. So many broken hearts are floating around places like Facebook and Walmart; and these girls are working to fill that empty gap with things of this world that make it impossible to be satisfied.
Drugs, alcohol, guys, sex, possessions...
Yet they still run right back in the same heartache. What they don't realize is that there is only ONE thing, ONE relationship, ONE obsession that will ever fill that empty hole in their hearts.
If we had a generation of followers, pursuing the Word of God and striving to find their contentment and security in the One who saved them long ago, maybe we'd see less divorce, heartache, abuse, addiction, kids without daddies, and more stable homes, stable communities, and a stable country.
I strive to empower this generation of ladies - to show them the things I've learned about relationships and life.
Where are you, Women of Virtue? Pin It

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