Have you ever considered just how wonderful the gift of singleness is? Sure, having a man in your life is probably the ultimate dream for many of you out there, but consider the perks of singleness. Are you using your time to yourself in a fruitful way? Check out these positive traits of singleness:

You get to spend your money on what you want. It is said that one of the biggest conflicts between couples is money. Marriage takes a budget and a sense of knowing where your money is going. Sure- even when you're single, you have bills to pay and groceries to buy, but when you're married, you are keeping track of 2 people's needs, 2 sources of income, and twice the amount of groceries and expenses. When you're single, extra money is more prominent usually. You can go shopping for a new outfit, eat out more, buy stuff you want without checking with your partner on everything. That is definitely a perk.

You get to spend your free time on what you want. Before I got married, I always thought that after marriage the same free time would be there - until kids of course. Wrong. There are a whole new slew of responsibilities that come with marriage and husbands. It's not like you are constantly taking care of your man, but both of you need to make sure the bills are paid, food is prepared, house is cleaned, income is being earned, etc. Free time doesn't happen as often as you may think or dream it will. You have to constantly be in communication with your spouse, and working on building your relationship with them. Marriage is more than just throwing 2 people together - it's a constant growing and learning process. When you're single, you can just leave and go out with friends on the spur of the moment, whereas with a spouse, it is pretty important to check in with them before just taking off.

The toilet seat is always down. Yep - that old cliche of guys leaving the toilet seat up is true. Not only that, they leave clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink and move things you put in a specific place. The milk levels are always the same as you left them when you're single. When you're married, you'll probably be constantly out of milk and cereal. That seems to be a guy's favorite meal - by the way. Singleness almost guarantees things will be there the way you left them. (Unless of course you have a roommate.)

Decisions are yours. Here's a no- brainer: You get to make your own decisions. Sounds good, huh? When it comes to what you want for dinner, you can make that stir-fry instead of eating pizza (or cereal) for the 100th time. Movies are a big one for us. My hubby loves the action-packed, shoot-em up movies with all the blood and gore, and I love those cute, tugs at your heart-strings, romantic comedies. It's always a battle on movie nights at our place. We do have those rare movies that we both like to watch, but I haven't watched one of my romantic comedies in months. When you're single, you can watch whatever you want whenever you want. Feeling like a cartoon - pop in
Bambi. Or shed some tears to
The Notebook. There aren't any bloody, gory movies in your future, unless that's your thing. This is the same case with any of your favorite things. Mr. Right won't be agreeing with you on everything.
You have the time to grow in yourself and in Jesus. Singleness is God's gift to us when we need to grow more in Him. He knows when we're ready to throw a man into our lives for a reason. If you are spending your single life scouting out guys and moping about your situation, you are using your time poorly. How about joining a Bible study, or better yet, leading a Bible study with a group of teen girls about growing themselves in Christ before finding a guy? That's what I did. I can't tell you how priceless that time with those girls was. I learned as much as they did! Once I was ready to meet Mr. Right, God provided when I least expected it. I knew I was ready because God made it VERY clear. My priorities had been shifted to loving Him instead of seeking another man. Don't assume that every man that walks into your life is "the one". Just let it go as it is. God will make it clear.
Focus on your life in Christ. Use your time to build up your relationship in Him and helping others do the same. It might just amaze you.
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