Sunday, December 30, 2012
Resolutions: Growth
The New Year is just around the corner, and with that usually comes resolutions. One of the things that I was inspired by this morning in church was learning about how Jesus grew. We make a choice on a daily basis on whether or not we'll improve and grow ourselves. Salvation shouldn't only be used as a past tense event that happened in our lives as Christians, but as a decision and process we follow every single day of our lives.
Luke 2:52 says that Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor in the eyes of the Lord. So as we look at this passage, we need to ask ourselves as followers and women of God, how we can grow in these ways.
Wisdom is the ability and capacity of applying what we know. How do we apply the Word of God in our lives? Do you truly believe in His Word? If so, then how are you showing that in your life? One of the prime examples for the purpose of this blog is that of our relationships and dating lives. Are you truly heeding God's advice in this area of your life? Or do you look at it, think "hmm, that's nice," but then continue following what the media and secular society tells you to do? I pray to God you truly try to follow His ways, especially in this. Though it may be the hard way, just remember that God's way is always the best way.
Get Wisdom! (Proverbs 4:5) Need more resources? Don't be afraid to research help on the areas you're struggling in. The book "Lady in Waiting" by Jones and Kendall has worked wonders in my life in the dating and relationship area. Check out your local library or Christian book store for what you need. Don't be too proud. God calls for humility, especially when it is in His work and Name.
Stature is our physical growth. This one may be more tangible for you to grasp. What girl doesn't want to be healthy? Sometimes though, we abuse ourselves in our own false sense of "health". It's one thing to work out and do it for you, but to work out because you think only guys go for skinny, "hot" girls is a misconception that should never be taken into consideration when you're getting healthy. If a guy likes you because your skinny and won't take the time of day to truly get to know you no matter how you look, then I'm sorry, but he is not worth your time or even you glance.
Staying healthy is indeed a biblical concept. It is important to keep the temple of God healthy and going. God created us and we are made in His image. We are to take care of His creation. Don't abuse yourself when you're trying to get healthy. If you are following the role models of our society and not the biblical example of health, trouble may await you. Be smart when you're "getting healthy".
Favor in the Lord and man. Jesus grew in favor in the eyes of the Lord and in those around Him. Even Jesus, Who is God Himself made great efforts to please His Father in heaven. We are to be living examples of Christ, especially if we walk around and call ourselves Christians. One of the things that really irked me was shortly after the shooting earlier this month in Newtown, CT. A group from the "Westboro Baptist Church" (who only call themselves baptists, and aren't actually officially affiliated with the baptist church), claimed that they were going to speak out at the funerals of those involved in this horrific tragedy. This is a sickening and shallow way to make yourself known and it is NOT the message or definition of Christianity. Love is no where to be found in this group's purpose, even though Love is a bottom line to Christianity. These people do not set a great example of being Christ-followers. In fact, they drag it through the mud. And they definitely didn't gain any favor from those who knew of them.
Are you representing your relationship with Christ in the right ways? When you say you're a Christian, are you also walking your talk? Don't be someone who proclaims the love of Christ in your word, but turns around and talks bad about a peer. We all screw up, but it's a different matter when you claim it daily, but display a completely different lifestyle an hour later. Be women of virtue and examples to be proud of.
So, as you reflect on 2012 and look ahead to 2013, ask yourself what will be different. I know I personally will be working on the above three growing areas.
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Sunday, December 23, 2012
Why I Attend Church
I don't go to church for the music or rhythms
I don't go for the messages or even for the refreshment
No, I won't attend with a heart of consumerism or gain,
But for a love that defeats all understanding
Grace that surpasses all my debt
And hope that seeks more than just gratification
I attend to give back what I can never return
Because I owe it to my God to meet with Him
Regardless of
the music
the Pastor
the programs
the coffee
the chairs
the people
the decorations
the building
the service
I refuse to be picky with my meeting with God
Because if He were picky with meeting with me
I wouldn't have the hope of salvation.
"He gave His life for me;
I will live mine for Him"
without the standards of the "American Dream" Pin It
I don't go for the messages or even for the refreshment
No, I won't attend with a heart of consumerism or gain,
But for a love that defeats all understanding
Grace that surpasses all my debt
And hope that seeks more than just gratification
I attend to give back what I can never return
Because I owe it to my God to meet with Him
Regardless of
the music
the Pastor
the programs
the coffee
the chairs
the people
the decorations
the building
the service
I refuse to be picky with my meeting with God
Because if He were picky with meeting with me
I wouldn't have the hope of salvation.
"He gave His life for me;
I will live mine for Him"
without the standards of the "American Dream" Pin It
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tasty Tuesdays: Peppermint Crunch
It's that time of year again! Tasty treats abound and baking is in full-swing! One recipe I discovered this year that was quite a hit was Peppermint Crunch. Think Puppy Chow, but with white chocolate and crushed candy canes.
- 5 cups Rice Chex cereal
- 10 ounces melting white chocolate OR vanilla flavored Almond Bark
- 1 cup crushed candy canes
- 1 cup powdered sugar
In a large zipped top bag or covered container, add the powdered sugar. Pour the chocolate covered cereal/candy canes into the large bag or container. Seal the bag or container and shake until all the cereal is coated with the powdered mixture.
Discard excess powder and enjoy!
Store at room temperature up to 2 weeks, if it lasts that long!
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Friday, December 14, 2012
Your Boaz, No Other...Az...
So I had some thoughts on sharing this, then held back a little, but this was just too good and too true NOT to share!
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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Your Check List
I hear so many different opinions when it comes to the dating material checklist. Some may think it's shallow and selfish. But many others, including myself will strongly say that it is a highly necessary tool you need to make when dating and seeking "Mr. Right", especially in our society and day in age.
Now, I'm probably the last person who has the right to tell you what should and shouldn't be on your checklist, and some things are absolutely up to your taste, but allow me to offer some advice for the sake of you not settling for any Joe-Schmo out there.
1) Think about his values
What does he stand strong for? What do you stand strong for? Do they match up? This is very important when looking for that person you will marry. If you find something good and desirable that you stand strong for, and he despises and fights against that same thing, there could be some trouble and red flags there. Think about the time he spends with his family. Does he value them? Life together may not be as fun as you think it could be with constant tension over things that are absolutely important in your belief and passions.
2) Think about his faith
Tying right in with his values is his faith. I couldn't imagine being married to my husband if he wasn't a Christian. Our whole lives revolve around our relationship with God. We make all our decisions around Him. When I'm struggling, my hubby will quote a verse, reminding me not to worry. When he's having a rough day, I'll write a verse on the mirror. That support system is SO incredibly important to me, and I know it is crucial for him. If I had to go to church alone, or not share in my relationship with God with my hubby, I would not be happy. The central part of my life is my relationship with Christ - it even comes before my relationship with my husband. The same goes for him. If my marriage wasn't centered around Christ, it would be very hard for me to have quality relationships with both.
3) Think about his priorities
What does this guy do with his time? What does he hold as important? Where does he like to be on a regular basis? Would he rather spend his time playing video games, or getting into God's Word? Most guys love playing video games, and that's all great, but does he intentionally build up himself and his faith in what he does? If a guy doesn't have any interest in growing himself and his relationships this could be a red flag. Does he put God first, then his earthly relationships? Do those things even rank in his life? If not, I wouldn't go there.
4) Think about his role models
Who are his heroes in life? If he looks up to men of the Bible, men of strong faith in his life, or those who walk their positive talk, that's a good sign. But if he finds identity in secular rap artist who curse every 2 words or super heroes, that could be a scary step, and I wish you well.
5) Think about his actions
Ok, so there aren't many guys (or girls) who haven't had those moments of weakness. Even the best of us have all said something stupid, done something dumb and carry embarrassing moments around. However, there is something to be said about a guy who gets into trouble with the law, drugs, and various relationships in his life. If he continually lives in such a reckless manner, you probably shouldn't date him. He may claim to be working towards a change. Great! So let him prove he can change, then date him. Don't EVER, EVER date a guy, thinking you will change him, or he will change for you because that will lead you into some deep, troubling waters. This concept is true for each of these things you consider.
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
What is Your Way?
Which way are you following? The "American Way" or God's Way?
Challenge yourself this week to focus on God's way.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Think About it Thursday: Value
"Never reduce your self worth and value to physical and emotional pleasure. Sex, money, & relationships are not why we live." - Lecrae
Pin ItTuesday, November 27, 2012
Tasty Tuesdays: Healthy Egg McMuffins
Continuing on with our Tasty Tuesdays, I want to introduce you to a very delicious recipe. I am in love with Egg McMuffins, but not with their calories. This recipe is much healthier and still just as delicious. They are super easy to put together and make ahead for later! Great for company and a grab and go breakfast!
Healthy Egg McMuffins

Shopping List:
1 pkg (6) English Muffins (100% Whole Wheat if you want healthier)
6 Eggs (Egg Beater or Egg Whites work too)
Slices of Cheese (Ultra-thin for 45 calories each, or whatever you prefer)
Meat of Choice - Canadian Bacon or Turkey Sausage Patties (Cook ahead)Salt/Pepper (Optional - to taste)
Jumbo Muffin Pan or Ramekins (if you don't own those)
Aluminum Foil
What to Do:
~ Preheat oven to 350 degrees
~ Spray jumbo muffin pan or ramekins with non-stick spray
~ Crack eggs or pour Egg Beaters into each part of muffin pan or each ramekin
~ Stir/Break each yolk with fork
~ Add pepper or salt to your liking to each egg
~ Cook in oven at 350 for about 25-30 minutes (or until done)
~ Meanwhile, lay out each English muffin open on pan or tray
~ Put slice of cheese on each one on one half
~ Place sausage patty or bacon on top of cheese
~ Place cooked eggs on top of meat
~ Close English Muffin and wrap each one in aluminum foil (for oven reheat) or dry wax deli paper (for microwave reheating)
~Either save for later in fridge or freezer, or heat up for immediate eating in microwave or oven
~For Oven: Preheat to 350 and heat on baking sheet (wrapped in aluminum foil) for 15-20 minutes or 30-40 minutes if frozen.
~ For Microwave: Reheat in under a minute (wrapped in parchment paper or paper towel) on full power, or if frozen, for 3 minutes at half power, turning over each minute.
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
'Tis the Season for...Stuff?
It is indeed that time of year. Lovely red bows, beautiful Christmas Trees and sparkling lights begin lining streets from windows and houses. But when we look at the holiday season, we may think about things like sales, Black Friday and material things. Where can I get the best deal on a new iPad, or iPhone? Whatever it is, when did Christmas begin to kick off with a season of acquiring more stuff?
Not only Christmas time begs this question, but every day of our lives, especially in our society. When did our big purpose and goal in life become about acquiring the most, newest gadgets, or the highest, most important job?
Matthew 6 tells us not to worry about our money, possessions and clothes. We are told not to store up our treasures here on earth, where dust gathers on them, and they can be destroyed. We are to let God decide what we do, what we buy, what we acquire. He takes care of even the birds, so what makes you think He won't take care of you? He clothes flowers with glorious beauty, so why would He not provide for you?
When we continue to be a society of stuff, we are left disappointed and unsatisfied a by the time someone has something better, or the next new gadget comes out. We want new clothes when the fashion trends change, then demand new clothes 2 months later to keep up with our peers. Why do we do this to ourselves? This doesn't end on an individual basis either.
When we have kids, we want them to have all the new gadgets too. Parents will go to all sorts of insane lengths to get their kid to be the best at anything. They'll fork out crazy amounts of money for uniforms, transportation and equipment, but when it comes to youth group and church, the turn out ratio is sadly less.
So where do we draw the line? Can we go a year without Black Friday? Without updating our gadgets and following the trends? I think this would be hard for people in a society such as ours. We want our kids to stay up with their peers with what they own. Maybe it's time to teach kids the true meaning of life. I have to admit that hearing a 5 year old demand an iPhone from their parents is hard to grasp. We need to begin defining necessity vs. desires. Stuff molds and breaks. Values and morals of Christ always last.
"But if serving the Lord
seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you
will serve...But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” -Joshua 24:15
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Thursday, November 15, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Why Wait to Date?
In a society with fast food, fast internet, fast everything, we find ourselves doing everything in our lives fast. We rush around and do errands, do homework, find time for friends - and hopefully family.
This, however, as much as it is convenient, is also dangerous in some aspects of life. Yes, driving too fast can be dangerous, but I'm talking about dating too fast.
I see girls with one guy one week, then not even 2 weeks later, there's another guy attached to her arm. What?!
Ladies (and guys too), what is the rush? For so many teens and young adults, life is all about scrambling for the "Right One". The problem with the rush is that you aren't trusting God. You are taking matters into your own hands. What do I mean by this? Check out the list below of why God may have you wait to date:
1) Today's day is scary. Not to sound old-fashioned here, but yes, today is a scary time of our world. Just this past week I saw a story on the news about a 24 year old girl strangled to death by a man who was "infatuated" with her. One-Creepy. Two- It is real stuff. Be careful who you surround yourselves with and who you share your life stories with. He might come across as a great guy on the outside, but be sure you are not throwing yourself at every man who passes you by.
2) You can't change him. That's right ladies - your beauty and batting eyelashes will not turn a complete idiot into the perfect man. Don't be dumb with who you date. If your man breaks the law, does drugs, and more importantly - isn't a Christian (and you are), don't date him. You can help him from a safe distance, but DON'T DATE HIM. I can't reiterate that enough. You CAN'T change him. If he does something you won't be happy with years down the road, assume he will still be doing it years down the road. You can't change him; only God can!
3) Where are YOU at? If you don't know what your convictions are, or who you are in Christ, you probably shouldn't be throwing a man into your life until you've established somethings. Where do you stand on sex before marriage? Do you know why it's good not to have sex before marriage? Do you know what marriage entails? Do you know where you stand on gender roles? Are you established in your security in Christ enough that if your relationship with a guy doesn't work out, your world won't be over? Are you relying on Christ instead of on men and on people of this world?
After I read the book "Lady in Waiting" I was able to place every aspect of my happiness and security on Christ, and with that came my relationship with the man who would be my husband. It was as if I had finally given Christ permission to take and rule over my life when it came to relationships. I let it go and said "Ok, God. I'm letting You take the wheel on who You want in my life for the rest of my life. And I am ok if You want me to live single during it."
Not even a month later, Mark walked into my life. I was so not focused on a boyfriend, that I didn't even notice he was attracted to me. I thought we were just friends. But when we established where we were at as 2 people, it was like God switched the switch and said "Go for it," to me. I knew he was right for me, because he loves the Lord more than me! I wouldn't have it any other way. The pressure is taken off of him to be my happiness and security because I know that only comes from Christ alone.
How awesome!
So just make sure you are grown into what Christ wants you to be before pursuing that guy. You will always be growing, but when it comes to relationships, it is important to know and practice Christ being your #1 before trying to make a guy your #1.
I hope this gives you some reason to wait to date. I may either be preaching to the choir here, or I may be preaching to an audience who could care less about Christ, but these reasons are what worked for me. I couldn't be happier with the outcome. My relationship with my husband continues to be the best because we put Christ #1 - as a couple and as individuals. It takes the pressure off of pleasing each other in ways that only God can. Pin It
Saturday, October 20, 2012
His Gain from You
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life."
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life."
-Proverbs 31: 11-12
As we continue on through Proverbs 31, we come to the husband of a virtuous woman in verses 11 and 12. The husband is a good indicator of the virtue of a woman, according to this passage. Why else would it be there?
Right at the forefront of this passage is "Her husband has full confidence in her..."
Why? Because this woman isn't doing anything questionable. She isn't meeting with other men in private, or talking about marriage and relationship troubles with other men, or flirting with other men. She wears clothes that don't turn heads and ask for attention. Her husband has full confidence in her because she makes wise choices each day. She includes him in on decisions and allows him to have his say, or even his way, when it comes to them.
Her husband can trust her because she doesn't give him a reason not to.
Next we read "Her husband...lacks nothing of value." He is gaining because of her. He gains self-esteem, company, insight, confidence, etc. What could you do to make your man gain from you? Do you keep him accountable when it comes to spiritual matters? If you're dating and not married, do you be sure to refrain from tempting him sexually?
Your presence in his life should be contributing to him in all aspects of life. Encourage his work, his dreams, his ideas. Help him through the tough stuff in life. Be happy for him when he achieves.
The next two lines of this passage talk about living our lives for the good of our men. We as women of virtue need to be working to bring good to our relationships. What does this look like?
Don't nag. Have real conversations when you're bothered by something.
Don't shut him out.
Write him notes, telling him how much you respect him.
Encourage him.
PRAY for him. (Pray for your future husband, too. Even though you may not know who he is yet!)
Show genuine interest in him and his day.
Keep God the center of his life - not you. When his love for God comes first, the love he has for you becomes much sweeter.
Don't give him reasons to worry about you with other guys. Use common sense!
This part of Proverbs 31 really displays how a woman is in Christ through the way her man carries himself. A Godly relationship with Christ will take the pressure off your man when it comes to him meeting your needs. That is going to be the basis of many of these posts as we go along. Who do you REALLY depend on in your life to meet your needs? We'll be looking at why it is so important to put God over your man when it comes to this.
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Your presence in his life should be contributing to him in all aspects of life. Encourage his work, his dreams, his ideas. Help him through the tough stuff in life. Be happy for him when he achieves.
The next two lines of this passage talk about living our lives for the good of our men. We as women of virtue need to be working to bring good to our relationships. What does this look like?
Don't nag. Have real conversations when you're bothered by something.
Don't shut him out.
Write him notes, telling him how much you respect him.
Encourage him.
PRAY for him. (Pray for your future husband, too. Even though you may not know who he is yet!)
Show genuine interest in him and his day.
Keep God the center of his life - not you. When his love for God comes first, the love he has for you becomes much sweeter.
Don't give him reasons to worry about you with other guys. Use common sense!
This part of Proverbs 31 really displays how a woman is in Christ through the way her man carries himself. A Godly relationship with Christ will take the pressure off your man when it comes to him meeting your needs. That is going to be the basis of many of these posts as we go along. Who do you REALLY depend on in your life to meet your needs? We'll be looking at why it is so important to put God over your man when it comes to this.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Respect Issue
Call me old, but when I was a kid, we had way more respect for everyone, and HAD to have way more respect. Today, there are kids and teenagers talking back, snubbing and even attacking parents, grandparents, teachers, leaders, any adult, and any peer they come across. Though there was some of this when I was a kid, there definitely wasn't as much, and kids couldn't get away with what they do today. This is an issue - whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.
Ladies, did you know that a guy's greatest need in a relationship is RESPECT?
I guess that could be one of the reasons it is an issue.
If we as ladies can't respect our own parents, siblings, teachers, leaders, and even friends at times, how are we expected to know how to treat a husband? Yes, you are entitled to your own opinion, and yes, you have the right to express it, however - when your world only revolves around you and your opinion, that doesn't sit too well with others. When you can work things out with your parents and not throw a fit or power struggle, or run away from the conflict, then you are truly learning about the meaning of being a grown-up who can show respect.
It takes work. It takes practice. It's not always in a woman's nature to express respect, but that is precisely why God calls us to do it.
"...the wife must respect her husband." - Ephesians 5:33b
God knows how we're designed. That's why He reminds us to work hard at respect. Don't worry ladies, He also reminds the guys to love first. This is because the guys are more focused on the respect language and ladies more on the love language. We interpret things differently, so God reminds us to take each other into consideration in Ephesians when it comes to love and respect.
The Challenge:
Do you tell your parents/grandparents how much you appreciate them? Do it.
Do you appreciate how hard they (your parents, grandparents, husband) work(s)? And tell them!?
Do you appreciate how they long to protect, provide and take care of you? And tell them?
Do you appreciate their willingness to serve and lead? And tell them? And more importantly - ALLOW them to?
Do you listen to their insight and advice? And tell them you appreciate it?
Do you spend time with them? And tell them you appreciate their company?
Do you wear clothes that don't insult or show off everything? (I find this disrespectful to guys trying to stay pure physically and mentally. Remember, you are 50% of the problem when you dress that way.)
Ladies, this can start no matter where you are in life. The way you treat others in your life is a great practice to how you'll treat a future man, or current man in your life. Even if you have no intentions of having a husband, this is SO incredibly important to the wellness of your relationships and lifestyle. Others will respect you. You'll be more lovable too. We live in a world that has written off the respect concept in many aspects. Don't join the cycle. Fight it.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Singleness: Time Well Spent?
Have you ever considered just how wonderful the gift of singleness is? Sure, having a man in your life is probably the ultimate dream for many of you out there, but consider the perks of singleness. Are you using your time to yourself in a fruitful way? Check out these positive traits of singleness:
1) You get to spend your money on what you want. It is said that one of the biggest conflicts between couples is money. Marriage takes a budget and a sense of knowing where your money is going. Sure- even when you're single, you have bills to pay and groceries to buy, but when you're married, you are keeping track of 2 people's needs, 2 sources of income, and twice the amount of groceries and expenses. When you're single, extra money is more prominent usually. You can go shopping for a new outfit, eat out more, buy stuff you want without checking with your partner on everything. That is definitely a perk.
2) You get to spend your free time on what you want. Before I got married, I always thought that after marriage the same free time would be there - until kids of course. Wrong. There are a whole new slew of responsibilities that come with marriage and husbands. It's not like you are constantly taking care of your man, but both of you need to make sure the bills are paid, food is prepared, house is cleaned, income is being earned, etc. Free time doesn't happen as often as you may think or dream it will. You have to constantly be in communication with your spouse, and working on building your relationship with them. Marriage is more than just throwing 2 people together - it's a constant growing and learning process. When you're single, you can just leave and go out with friends on the spur of the moment, whereas with a spouse, it is pretty important to check in with them before just taking off.
3) The toilet seat is always down. Yep - that old cliche of guys leaving the toilet seat up is true. Not only that, they leave clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink and move things you put in a specific place. The milk levels are always the same as you left them when you're single. When you're married, you'll probably be constantly out of milk and cereal. That seems to be a guy's favorite meal - by the way. Singleness almost guarantees things will be there the way you left them. (Unless of course you have a roommate.)
4) Decisions are yours. Here's a no- brainer: You get to make your own decisions. Sounds good, huh? When it comes to what you want for dinner, you can make that stir-fry instead of eating pizza (or cereal) for the 100th time. Movies are a big one for us. My hubby loves the action-packed, shoot-em up movies with all the blood and gore, and I love those cute, tugs at your heart-strings, romantic comedies. It's always a battle on movie nights at our place. We do have those rare movies that we both like to watch, but I haven't watched one of my romantic comedies in months. When you're single, you can watch whatever you want whenever you want. Feeling like a cartoon - pop in Bambi. Or shed some tears to The Notebook. There aren't any bloody, gory movies in your future, unless that's your thing. This is the same case with any of your favorite things. Mr. Right won't be agreeing with you on everything.
5) You have the time to grow in yourself and in Jesus. Singleness is God's gift to us when we need to grow more in Him. He knows when we're ready to throw a man into our lives for a reason. If you are spending your single life scouting out guys and moping about your situation, you are using your time poorly. How about joining a Bible study, or better yet, leading a Bible study with a group of teen girls about growing themselves in Christ before finding a guy? That's what I did. I can't tell you how priceless that time with those girls was. I learned as much as they did! Once I was ready to meet Mr. Right, God provided when I least expected it. I knew I was ready because God made it VERY clear. My priorities had been shifted to loving Him instead of seeking another man. Don't assume that every man that walks into your life is "the one". Just let it go as it is. God will make it clear.
Focus on your life in Christ. Use your time to build up your relationship in Him and helping others do the same. It might just amaze you.
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5) You have the time to grow in yourself and in Jesus. Singleness is God's gift to us when we need to grow more in Him. He knows when we're ready to throw a man into our lives for a reason. If you are spending your single life scouting out guys and moping about your situation, you are using your time poorly. How about joining a Bible study, or better yet, leading a Bible study with a group of teen girls about growing themselves in Christ before finding a guy? That's what I did. I can't tell you how priceless that time with those girls was. I learned as much as they did! Once I was ready to meet Mr. Right, God provided when I least expected it. I knew I was ready because God made it VERY clear. My priorities had been shifted to loving Him instead of seeking another man. Don't assume that every man that walks into your life is "the one". Just let it go as it is. God will make it clear.
Focus on your life in Christ. Use your time to build up your relationship in Him and helping others do the same. It might just amaze you.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012
The Value of a Virtuous Woman
Did you know that guys are longing to find a great lady of character? Sometimes I wonder if the girls of today's society really realize what type of women those great guys are looking for. I'm not talking about the guys who only care about your figure and what you can give them. I'm speaking of those great guys who open the door for you; care about what you believe in- what your passions are and what makes you on fire in life. They care more about what you need and desire more than what they need and desire.
Your character will determine the types of guys you attract.
Think about that. If you are strutted around town in a top that is really a bra, and shorts that don't go far enough down to cover your butt checks- you're going to get those low-lives who only want to take advantage of you.
However, if you spend your time learning and pursuing your passions - especially those passions that work for Christ - you will get those guys who want you for you - your personality, your passions, your desires, and your looks will come along with it - not the other way around. This is just one of many reasons being a lady of virtue is SO important.
We read right off the bat in Proverbs 31:10, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
This tells me just how valuable a virtuous woman is - especially in today's society. Are you in check when it comes to being a woman of noble character? Are you actually attracting guys of noble character? They go quite hand and hand. You will reap what you sow. Throughout Proverbs 31: 10-31 we will discover exactly what the definition of a virtuous woman is.
Many of today's girls are not seeking Godly men, though. Unfortunately, I see many girls grabbing a guy - any guy- just so they feel loved. Once he's gone, they have a new one in less than a week. No wonder divorce is so prominent today. What these girls don't realize is that they need Jesus to fill their empty hole in their hearts before they try and put a man there. Otherwise you will find yourself in the arms of a guy who doesn't care about you fully - just what you can give them. Or, the first time you become unhappy with them, you'll trade them in for someone "better". And the cycle will continue on and on, well beyond finding "Mr. Right".
Ladies, before you go looking for a man to love, make sure you are in check with your character. A man of high, Godly character is priceless, but he won't come to you unless you are truly a woman of Godly character. They will see right through your butt-shorts and low-cut shirt. Until you truly place Jesus in your life, you will continue to settle for those low-life guys who could care less about Jesus and good values. There is no reason to treat yourself that way. God made you to be loved fully for who you are. Don't settle. Let Him increase in your life, so you can trust Him more and more in every aspect. Pin It
Monday, September 17, 2012
Timeless Words
As I continue through this blog, I'd like to spend ample time visiting the characteristics of a virtuous woman. The Bible is full of so many examples of women who carry these virtues and really display them in how they go about life. Real, human women who actually waited for their "Prince Charming".
For now, let's just read over the actual words of Proverbs 31 where the virtues of a noble women are listed. Ponder and share your feelings on these words:
The Wife of Noble Character (Proverbs 31: 10-31)
"10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (NIV)
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up while it is still night;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her female servants.
16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
29 “Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." (NIV)
Now before you give up on these words, thinking, "wow...these words are so old-fashioned and obsolete to our culture today," allow me to try and put them into today's world for you. God uses His Word to teach us no matter where we're at or in what time period we're in. That's the beauty of serving and following a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Take some time to ponder these words today. Pick a chunk that stood out to you the most and just focus on how it could apply to you today. Whether you're married, single, 15 or 50 - look for what God is saying here.
As we continue on through this blog, I will break it down in what I interpret, and help you to make your own meanings and apply it to your own life. I hope to share activities, recipes, devotionals, inspiring words or pictures I come across, whatever. There are many ways to help each other as ladies, in word and deed.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The Ultimate Happiness

My eyes were left wide open after reading this book, as it made me realize how important my relationship with Christ is over my earthly relationships, and why it should be. It all has to start with this concept of recklessly abandoning yourself to become God's best. Only when you realize you need to do this, do you begin to find a deeper contentment in yourself, your life, and your earthly relationships.
A line in this Lady in Waiting that has struck me and stuck to me is the following:
"No one, not even the man you will marry one day, can make you happy - only Jesus can."
Wow! Talk about a heavy realization for a girl devoting her life to finding a man - but how incredibly true this is. How many of us girls have spent a good chunk of our teenage/college lives seeking Mr. Right (who we mistakenly label as our ultimate happiness)? Many girls will believe that marrying or in today's world - moving in with- a guy will save them from their awful life situations. Since when do humans have that kind of super-ability?
Guys can't do what only God can in your life.
When we trust in guys to make our lives better, we will be burned. Even the greatest of men can't give you ultimate contentment. They can't give you ultimate security. They can't fill that emptiness in your heart that you feel. Only Jesus can.
Don't rush into a relationship to find ultimate happiness. We are called to wait to prevent heartache, not to create it.
Naomi reassures Ruth in Ruth 3:18 by telling her to wait.
"Then Naomi said, 'Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today."
If you truly trust in God to provide for your deepest needs, He will make it happen without you pressuring the situation. When you are ready to throw a man into your life, God will know it - in fact, He knows you better than you even know yourself.
Drink in this amazing contentment God has for you in your relationship with HIM. Don't go and seek contentment from guys, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. Those things will make you happy for a short time, but God has the power to make you happy forever. Take advantage of His work in your life. Learn to open your Bible before you open a relationship with some dude. If you "don't have time to read your Bible," you certainly don't have time for guys.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012
Things Above
Ladies, what are you spending your time thinking (or obsessing) about? For reals - what is it? School? Homework? Work?...A guy...?
Do you find yourself stressed, discouraged and frustrated after spending ridiculous amounts of time thinking about these things over and over...I know I do. How about a change of pace? Think about something that is always good, always the same, always encouraging.
Check out the words of Philippians 4: 8 -
"...Whatever is true, whatever
is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think
about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
How great does that sound? Who doesn't want the peace of God with them at all times?
I have my bad days for sure. I think about the mound of tasks I have to accomplish for that day and find myself stressed and frustrated. It is all about mindset though. If I had focused on the blessings I had - a job, a home, friends, great church family, etc. instead of the frustrations of the day, perhaps I would have entered into it with a peace of mind and confidence.
The same goes with guys. Are you focusing on guys so much, that you don't have time to see Jesus in your life? Are you grateful for what God has already blessed you for instead of obsessing over what you're waiting for Him to provide for you?
Try this: Instead of making your Facebook status about the awful situations in your life, or the woe-is-me status about not have a guy in your life, try posting something about Jesus and the things He has done for you! Start placing your focus on being grateful to Him, and growing in Him. When you're ready, He'll send you a guy - and remember that your definition of ready isn't always HIS definition of ready. He has great plans for you; just trust Him to bring you where you need to be.
Be a light instead of adding to the darkness of today's world. Let Him shine through you in the way you think. What you think about will reflect in who you hang around, and what you talk about. It will set the mood for your day and you won't feel so sorry for yourself because you have the greatest Light of all and the greatest Man of all in your life. Just trust Him.
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
- Colossians 3: 2
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012
A Generation of Virtue
Why did I create this blog?
I have a desire and longing to see a new generation of ladies - a generation that takes Proverbs 31 seriously. Not only that chapter, but the Book as a whole. So many broken hearts are floating around places like Facebook and Walmart; and these girls are working to fill that empty gap with things of this world that make it impossible to be satisfied.
Drugs, alcohol, guys, sex, possessions...
Yet they still run right back in the same heartache. What they don't realize is that there is only ONE thing, ONE relationship, ONE obsession that will ever fill that empty hole in their hearts.
If we had a generation of followers, pursuing the Word of God and striving to find their contentment and security in the One who saved them long ago, maybe we'd see less divorce, heartache, abuse, addiction, kids without daddies, and more stable homes, stable communities, and a stable country.
I strive to empower this generation of ladies - to show them the things I've learned about relationships and life.
Where are you, Women of Virtue? Pin It
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